about 12 years ago
Here are the reading marterials I recommend in 2013:
If you are new to Ruby / Rails world, I suggest you take following courses :
- Code School Try Ruby
- Code School Try Git
- Code School Git Real
- Peepcode Meet Command Line
- Peepcode Advanced Command Line
- Zed Shaw Learn Ruby The Hard Way
Learning Rails
Use following courses to build a simple application, like a "forum"
- Code School Rails for Zombies Redux
- Code School Rails for Zombies 2
Basic web development
- CodeSchool jQuery Air: First Flight
- CodeSchool jQuery Air: Captain's Log
- CodeSchool CSS Cross-Country
- Codecademy Javascripts
Intermediate Ruby on Rails
( If you are not familer with TDD with Ruby on Rails, these two books might be a good start)
- Michael Hartl Rails Turtorial
- Ryan Bigg Rails in Action 4
UT on Rails is also a excellent learning material
- Schneems UT on Rails
- Code School Rails testing for zombies
- Code School Testing with Rspec
- Noel Rappin Rails Test Prescriptions: Keeping Your Application Healthy
- Thougutbot Learn Test-Driven Development using RSpec and Capybara.
Advanced web development
- Code School Jounry into Mobile
- Code School The Anatomy of Backbone
- Code School CoffeeScript
- Code School Assembling Sass
- Code School Assembling Sass Part2
Refactoring Ruby / Rails code
- Codschool Rails Best Practices
- Chad Pytel / Tammer Saleh : Rails Antipattern
- John Athayde / Bruce Williamsp The Rails View: Create a Beautiful and Maintainable User Experience
- Eric Davis Refacotoring Redmine
- Code Climate 7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Models
Writing better Ruby code
- Code School Code Ruby Bits
- Code School Code Ruby Bits Part 2
- David A. Black The Well-Grounded Rubyist
- Russ Olsen Eloquent Ruby
- Avdi Grimm Confident Ruby
- Avdi Grimm Exceptional Ruby
- Stefan Kaes Writing Efficient Ruby Code (Digital Short Cut)
Podcast / Journal of writing better Ruby/Rails code
Object-oriend Design in Ruby on Rails
- thoughtbot Ruby Science
- Avdi Grimm Object on Rails
- Russ Olsen Design Patterns in Ruby
- Jay fields Refacoting : Ruby Edition
- Sandi Metz Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer
Know Rails better
- José Valim Crafting Rails Applications: Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development
- Marc-André Cournoyer Owning Rails: The Rails Online Master Class
- Railscast Rails Initialization Walkthrough
- Railscast Rails Middleware Walkthrough
- Railscast Rack App from Scratch
- Railscast Rails Modularity
- Railscast Hacking with Arel
- Railscast Authorization from Scratch Part 1
- Railscast Authorization from Scratch Part 2
- Railscast Action Controller Walkthrough
- Railscast Action View Walkthrough
Guideline of writng Ruby / Rails code
- ruby-style-guide
- rails-style-guide
- rails_standards
- thoughtbot guides